01334 472255


Grant Application Requirements

The trustees welcome letters of application for grants from visually impaired or blind persons living in East Fife or who come to East Fife for training and rehabilitation. "East Fife" includes the former "North East Fife" district plus Levenmouth, Balgonie and the Wemysses (but not Glenrothes/Markinch)

The grants are intended to benefit partially sighted or blind persons so as to ameliorate their quality of life

Examples include:-

  1. aids and equipment
  2. education training and rehabilitation
  3. social activities
  4. sport
  5. transport and travel
  6. sensory gardens

“Thanks to the generous support of the Lady Margaret Skiffington Trust and other local bodies, our vision for an all inclusive garden has come to fruition.”

Andrew W Johnson

St Andrews Preservation Trust Museum

Examples of unsuccessful applications include those for:

  1.  expensive social or sporting events, e.g. involving overseas travel, particularly where they repeatedly benefit the same individual
  2. funding which will not be wholly and exclusively for persons who are visually impaired (unless incidental, e.g. improved heating in a house occupied by partners and family)
  3. funding which will benefit participants who (except where the event or facility is in East Fife) do not live in East Fife

However, each application is considered in the light of circumstances at the time. Policy on grants is kept under review.

The following information should, where appropriate, be contained in any application

For an individual

Name, address and date of birth, how long partially sighted or blind, other relevant personal and financial circumstances.

For agencies, groups of individuals, and organisations

  1. Outline of the event, facility or service
  2. Benefits to visually impaired participants
  3. Information on any parallel or similar event, facility or service available from other agencies, groups, or organisations
  4. Date or timescale, locations
  5. Where appropriate, a breakdown of the number of (a) visually impaired and unimpaired persons and (b) those from East Fife and elsewhere

For aids, equipment and otherwise where appropriate

  1. Whether need has been assessed, if so by whom, and a report on the assessment. Where there has been no independent expert assessment, the applicant may have to re-apply through the Fife Society for the Blind or another agency, which will carry out the initial assessment and make a recommendation.
  2. As a general rule the Trust will require that the number of quotations obtained for any one item of goods or services should be as follows: up to £1,000 – one; £1,000 to £3,000 – two; over £3,000 – three.

All applications

  1. What, if any, alternative sources of funding are available (including the applicant's own capital and income, including that of a spouse, parent, partner, co-tenant or co-owner) and whether other sources of finance have been approached (and the outcome, if yet known)
  2. Breakdown of, or a budget for, expenditure envisaged
  3. Amount of grant sought (if different)
  4. Where the expenditure has already been incurred, a receipted invoice, credit card voucher or other evidence of the expenditure and confirmation that there are no outstanding issues with the supplier.
  5. Where funding is sought in advance of supply, the appropriate invoice, estimate or quotation
  6. Where funds are being raised more widely, the arrangements, if any, for a third party or parties to act as trustee in holding and expending sums received, and the up-to-date fund-raising position immediately before the trustees consider the application

It is helpful, for transcription for visually impaired trustees, if applications can be sent electronically in text form to blind@hendersonblack.co.uk but it is appreciated that quotations, estimates, reports etc may only be available in hard copy.

Mail should be addressed to the Secretaries, Lady Margaret Skiffington Trust, 149 Market Street, St Andrews KY16 9PF, who will be pleased to provide further information on request.

Arrangements after grant approval

Ordering of goods and services is a matter for the applicant or the applicant’s representative.

Payment of grants

Arrangements depend upon the circumstances of the applicant and any representative they might have, and the goods, service or work being funded. The default arrangements, however, are as follows.

Items already received and paid for - the Trust will pay the agreed figure to the applicant or the applicant's representative on receipt of (a) a receipted invoice, credit card voucher or other such evidence of the expenditure and (b) confirmation that there are no issues with the supplier which might justify a delay in payment

Items received but not yet paid for - the Trust should be sent (a) a receipted invoice, credit card voucher or other such evidence of the expenditure unless the Trust's Secretaries consider that this requirement can be waived in the circumstances and (b)  confirmation that there are no outstanding issues with the supplier which might justify a delay in payment. Where the grant covers the whole amount due to a supplier, the Trust will then pay the supplier.   Where the Trust is only contributing part of the cost of an item, the Trust will pay the applicant or the applicant's representative

Payment required before delivery 
2.3.1.    Where it is necessary wholly or partly to pay for goods,  services or work before they are supplied, the Trust should be sent (a) the appropriate invoice, estimate or quotation and (b) if not in the paperwork,  evidence of the requirement to pay before supply.
2.3.2.    Where the grant covers the whole amount due to a supplier, the Trust will then pay the supplier.
2.3.3.    Where the Trust is only contributing part of the cost of an item, the Trust will pay the applicant or the applicant's representative
2.3.4.    If there is later found to be an unresolved problem in relation to an item paid for in advance, the Trust should be informed

Return of goods

Applicants and their representatives or carers are requested to send any aids or equipment to the Fife Society for the Blind when no longer required.
